What to expect

Assessment and therapy sessions take place in either your home or child’s early childhood centre or school.

During the initial assessment session, I will discuss with you your concerns regarding your child’s communication and take a full case history. Depending on the age of your child I will observe them and play or chat to them to get an idea of their communication skills. If necessary a formal assessment can be carried out. Following the assessment we will decide if your child needs therapy.

I work with parents and caregivers to decide the best therapy goals for each individual child. 

I will give you a one page written summary of the assessment. A full report can be provided at an additional cost.

I try to make therapy sessions as much fun as possible by using toys and games. I will try to incorporate your child’s interests into the sessions. 

I can attend planning meetings for your child at school or kindy if required. Am happy to liaise with any other professionals involved with your child.


If you would like to find out more, please call me on  021 1849 517, email me at gayle@kidstalk.co.nz

or fill in the enquiry form below
